Support for Lawyers connects lawyers and legal staff with psychologists and counsellors, to look after their wellbeing and mental health.
Mental health and wellbeing counselling for lawyers
Support For Lawyers provides private and confidential online counselling by experienced psychologists and counsellors based in Melbourne, Sydney, every Australian state and Canada and UK who understand lawyer mental health issues
What is support for lawyers?
Totally online and confidential counselling service
Support For Lawyers is a confidential counselling service delivered online discreetly by Australia’s most trusted and experienced psychologists, counsellors and mental health professionals who understand lawyers and the unique issues associated with working in the legal professional.
"At Support for Lawyers we want to create an environment of safety, confidentiality, empathy, compassion and professionalism. We have worked hard to develop that, because we see lawyers as vulnerable humans just like everyone else on the planet, and we actually like and respect them, because we are them or we work with them."
– Marguerite Picard, Founder of Support for Lawyers

Marguerite Picard - Founder
I started out in community legal centres, moved to criminal law, both defending and prosecuting, then onto general practice and finally to family law specialisation.
I was admitted to practice in 1982, and over the time since, I have experienced my share of professional challenges, from gender discrimination (I was sacked from my second job for being married, overlooked for partnership in another for the reason that I was a 30 year old female yet to have children) to many of the other stresses of being a lawyer, such as feeling out of my depth without mentorship, vicarious trauma, billing pressure, ‘difficult’ clients, failing to have work/life boundaries, over-work and finally burn-out. I have seen colleagues suffer the same and worse.
I have read the literature and participated in national and international discussions about mental health and career challenges for lawyers. These conversations have been with lawyers and psychologists and counsellors. I’ve heard the lip service paid to wellbeing, and have a profound belief that the legal system and traditional firm hierarchies need to change, but until they do, lawyers must be cared for.
What I have learned is that we lawyers can be very reluctant to seek out help, even though we may recognise that need in others. We resist taking advantage of EAPs, we are highly sensitive to privacy, we are generally terrified of the impact on our career of being emotionally unwell, we are likely to blame ourselves for not coping rather than blaming external and structural causes, we endlessly compare ourselves to others’ who appear to be coping, we have little education in recognising our own triggers or the place of our own family of origin stories. Lots of us have vivid escape fantasies of leaving law; sometimes that’s the answer, more often, it is not.

Dr Tina- Head of Counselling
Dr Tina Sinclair is a consulting psychologist who works with individuals, couples and in dispute resolution. She has worked extensively with lawyers for many years in different settings.As an individual therapist, her work includes helping people to cope with stress, reignite the joy and fulfilment in their life, and helping them to change unhealthy habits.
She helps with communication, optimising personal and professional relationships, navigation of conflict, both in and outside the work place, and is about providing coping tools to build resilience.
Tina has worked for over forty years in Australia, Canada and England, where she attained her PhD at Cambridge. Passionate about her work, she has outstanding and proven abilities as a counsellor and therapist.
As the Head of Counselling at Support for Lawyers, she sets the standard for the expertise and experience of the professionals who will support you.
Support for Lawyers offers a range of supports, from coaching about life, goals, careers, to therapeutic and counselling support for more immediate and specific issues, to any psychological or emotional support you specify, design, or ask for.
The counsellors you will work with are only the finest. They understand positive, forward-looking aims, they are trauma informed, they know about lawyers and law firms, they are highly educated, skilled and experienced; they will probably change your life.
We've helped firms just like yours. We understand your unique problems and we're here to support you.

For Individuals
For individuals who want to connect with a counsellor, without anyone else knowing about it, and at flexible times, online, go to the booking and information page for individuals.
For Organisations
For firms who are committed to employee wellbeing, knowing it is a contributor to a healthy, productive and engaged workforce, find out information about our regular debriefing check-in packages.
Recommended Counselors and Professionals
The Kind Lawyers
College of Law
Leo Cussen Centre for Law
International Bar Association
Dr. Tina Sinclair
Angela Delle Vergini
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Black Dog Institute
Beyond Blue
Lara Wentworth
Peacemakers for Families
Yvette Strawbridge
David Roberts
Gregory Dale